Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life as a Zombie

   Zombie literally is my nickname. Why? Some say it's because I have a very mono-tone voice.
                            Other's say it's because I walk the halls well.. like a zombie.
  I embrace the nickname. It's kind of cool. Not really a mean label, it's just how people perceive me  from an outsider's take on things.
                             As a zombie there are things I'd like to warn other zombie's about.
   If you're a zombie, you might as well forget about getting checked out. Ever. No one looks at an emotionless, zoned out, zombie with any form of desire.
   If you're a zombie, you won't be very popular. Zombie's don't like to be social. So it's pretty understandable that a zombie won't win prom queen. Ya following me here?
   If you're a zombie, not just anyone will take the time to get to know you. Zombie's are stand-offish. So if they have any friends, they're probably strange ones. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But if you're not very open minded, laid back, and don't care what people think... well the zombie life isn't for you.
   If you're a zombie, you'll have to work harder to get what you want. Everyone will assume you have no goals, ambitions, or dreams. Can you blame them? You're a zombie! So to prove everyone wrong it'll take what energy/life you have to work towards your goals.
   Finally, if you're a zombie, you don't have to be sad. Or emotionless. You can actually be very happy. Just... at peace. Relaxed. Laid back. Carefree. Do  you understand?
                                            Being a Zombie is a way of life.
                                                      It's not for everyone.

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